Planning for a Strong Financial Future with a Disability

Planning for a Strong Financial Future with a Disability

Whether you’re a person with a disability transitioning to independent living or a parent or guardian working to secure your child’s future, financial planning is crucial. Understanding the resources available to people with disabilities and their families can help you set yourself or your loved one up for a lifetime of financial stability. Read on to learn more about the top tips and resources to help you create a financial plan that fits your lifestyle and needs. 

Exploring Misperceptions, Pay Gaps, and Lingering Disparities During National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Exploring Misperceptions, Pay Gaps, and Lingering Disparities During National Disability Employment Awareness Month

The ADA changed the experience of living with a disability for most people, yet some vast disparities still exist—and employment is a nearly universal one. In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we’re here to discuss the ongoing challenges that people with disabilities face in the job market and workplace, and what employers and disability advocates can do to help remedy them.